by Caroline Carter
"The beauty of Ozone is that when this molecule, almost as old as primordial life, is applied in small precise doses, it is able to simultaneously trigger or reactivate many functional activities that have gone astray during a chronic disease."
Dr. Velio Bocci, Professor Emeritus of General Physiology, University of Siena, Italy.
While everyone understands we would quickly die without oxygen, few understand the vital role it plays in maintaining a healthy body, free of disease.
Oxygen makes up approximately 21 percent of the air we currently breathe. 100 years ago, available oxygen was estimated to be about 38%; 30 years ago, about 22%. Today, the oxygen content of our air has dropped to an average of 19%-21% in even relatively unpolluted environments.
Unfortunately, the lack of oxygenated air is not the only way in which we have become oxygen deficient. The junk food we eat is low in oxygen and high in toxic chemicals and preservatives, a common cause of acidity. Physical and emotional stress will also rob the body of much needed oxygen while a chronic acidic system will cause the body to draw down its precious oxygen reserves.
According to Dr.W. Spencer Way: Journal of the American Association of Physicians
"Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life- threatening disease. The evidence is overwhelming.
Oxygen plays a powerful role in our health and well-being. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce. Understanding this is more important today than ever before, because of a general deficiency of oxygen intake. Simply put, the best way to optimize health is to be sure that we oxygenate every cell of our body”.
How can we quickly obtain more oxygen?
Changing our diets to one which includes more vegetables and raw foods as well as learning to breathe correctly is one way, however this can be a slow process when you are in pain. For those with chronic conditions a faster solution is ozone therapy.
Why Ozone?
The philosophy behind ozone therapies is a simple one. When the body lacks sufficient oxygen our bodies cannot eliminate toxins and other pathogens adequately and a toxic reaction occurs. In minor cases, a toxic build up can lead to fatigue, while a wide range of diseases result when poor oxygenation is chronic.
Ozone Therapies offer a quick and easy way to increase our oxygen supply and quickly eliminate years of toxic build up.
How Does Ozone Therapy Stimulate Healing?
As to the working principle of ozone therapy, this is actually very simple and tied to the body's own mechanisms. We all know that we are going to die, if left without oxygen for more than six minutes. So, oxygen is essential. Ozone is just another form of oxygen that possesses an extra atom. It is O3, not O2. Once the ozone in the oxygen/ozone mix enters the body during a treatment, it converts into hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxides. By thus stimulating the anti-oxidant system of the body, it eliminates disease-causing pathogens and diseased cells.
Among specialists, ozone therapy is now fully established as a treatment, with proven protocols and a huge amount of research data behind it that supports its viability. It has been used in many countries in many different clinical situations for over 80 years. In prevention, ozone therapy is extremely refreshing. It acts like an instant energizer.
Ozone therapy is totally natural. It adds no alien, strange molecules into your blood stream - only those that were lacking. One of ozone therapy's main merits is demonstrated by the fact that it can strengthen many of the body's own functional systems, beginning at the smallest level: that of the cell. Ozone therapy greatly boosts cell health.
Ozone therapy increases the oxygen concentration in the blood. This helps dilate the blood vessels, the tiniest capillaries that had closed down due to a lack of oxygen, which is so vital to our survival and wellbeing. Thus ozone therapy induces more blood to flow to each and every one of the over 70 trillion cells in the body. Unlike many forms of medical treatment, ozone therapy makes you feel good and revitalized, not depleted and drained.
Having worked in several ozone clinics abroad and for the last 6 years utilising ozone in my own practice in Cyprus, I have no doubt that ozone is one of the most amazing therapies available to us at this time.
It is due to oxygen playing the primary role in staying healthy and keeping well that International athletes and sports stars employ ozone therapy, for rapid recovery from injury. The Queen Mother was a great fan of ozone therapy and regularly used ozone to boost energy and maintain her health.
Here’s the summary of the effects of Ozone on our body in 10 points:
- Ozone therapy stimulates the production of white blood cells, which helps in fighting infections
- Ozone is a strong veridical agent, in other words: it eliminates viruses
- Ozone therapy increases oxygen and haemoglobin disassociation, thus increasing the delivery of oxygen from the blood to the cells
- Ozone acts as an anti-neoplastic; in other words: it inhibits the growth of new tissues, like tumours
- Ozone oxidizes petrochemicals
- Ozone therapy increases red blood cell membrane dispensability, thereby enhancing their flexibility and thus effectiveness
- Ozone increases the production of interferon and tumour necrosis factor, thereby helping the body to fight off infections and cancers
- Ozone makes the enzyme anti-oxidant system more efficient; it helps to better scavenge excess free radicals in the body
- Ozone makes the citric acid cycle go faster, which liberates energy from sugars. It also accelerates the breaking down of proteins, carbohydrates and fats to be used as energy
- Ozone increases tissue oxygenation
In my own practice we have very successfully utilised ozone therapy to reverse many debilitating issues, including CFS and cases of endometriosis, both which are reported as incurable. The following two emails are just a sample we have received from clients who chose to undergo ozone therapy.
Client 1 Samantha – Chronic Endometriosis Sufferer:
Email: Samantha Feb 2013
Not sure if you remember me, I came in for quite a lot of ozone therapy last year for my Endometriosis. I’ve had this since I was 17 and at this stage have had 24 operations for it over 22 years, after each one I’m always told its still there and spreading all over the place.
I went into hospital for my first operation after all the ozone as I was still having clots, heavy bleeding etc. They decided to do a D & C along with another new treatment called Novasure which burns the inside of the womb away and stops heavy bleeding. They were also going to remove the endometriosis and polyps that were there.
Well, I wanted you to be the first to know that they couldn’t find any endometriosis or polyps at all..... its ALL gone. The surgeon said they couldn't get it all last year when they operated and was absolutely astonished that it had gone. I didn't bother telling them about the ozone as you know how they can be with alternative type treatments. It’s truly amazing that after 22 years it’s gone!
Anyway, just wanted you to know, I’ll keep in touch and let you know how things are
Email: Samantha May 2013
Just to let you know I had my 3 month check-up today with the surgeon. Everything is great. He did however say to me at the end of the conversation, that he's wants me to know that there is not only NO endometriosis, but there’s no sign it’s ever been there, and if he didn’t have photographic proof and carried out 5 of the operations himself he wouldn’t believe that I actually ever had it!
He said whatever I have been doing I have literally (and this is the exact word he used) Cured! myself... he’s never seen anything like it ... I then started to tell him what I had done and he cut me off and that was the end of the conversation.
I was told when I was 30 that I had the worst case every recorded at that point, so if it’s helped me it surely it can help others? It is such a shame the surgeons are not interested in such a natural treatment.
Take care and a HUGE thank you !!!
Samantha underwent a 6 weeks course of vaginal ozone therapy. Forty minute sessions were performed every other day for 6 weeks, except during the menstruation period. Samantha was also advised to change her diet to one which did not contain dairy products and consisted of an 80/20 alkaline/acid foods.
Vaginal ozone therapy is not at all invasive. The client inserts a small catheter into the vagina though which the ozone is introduced. The practitioner does not need to stay in the room while the therapy takes place, and the client does not experience discomfort. This method is used to help female problems of all kinds. Women have reported relief from yeast infections and various sexually transmitted diseases including herpes after receiving vaginal ozone.
Testimonial Rachel Rushforth– Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Rachel had been sick since childhood, suffering with a variety of chronic conditions. 15 years ago she was diagnosed with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). Rachel had for many years tried a whole range of alternative therapies and diets after not receiving relief with conventional treatments. None had helped.
When Rachel left Cyprus in May she said she could never remember feeling so well.
Rachel spent 5 weeks in Cyprus undergoing colonics, daily ozone therapy and a mainly juice and raw diet.
Email Rachel July 2013
"I still feel amazing and am hoping this continues without the ozone treatment until I can get back out for a top up. I have in total lost 1 stone and 3 pounds. 3 inches of my waist, 2 1/2 inches of each leg, and 2 1/2 inches off my arms. Which clearly is and added bonus as I had been trying to lose weight for months to no avail.
I was excited to show my GP how well I was as he has known me for years but he just smiled. I left him your leaflet on ozone to enable him to explore it if interested. I told him I hope for many sick peoples sake that one day it becomes more mainstream and that he will then look back at our conversation and wished he listened.
A massive thank you for everything. Before I came to Cyprus I could not even think and was almost permanently in bed, feeling that this was to be my destiny. You have given me my life back, my family their sister/daughter, my friends and partner also have the person they love back”.
Along with ozone therapy and colonics, Rachel underwent parasite and liver cleansing as live blood analysis taken on her arrival showed her to be suffering with Candida and parasite infections. During her stay in Cyprus she was placed on a raw food and juice diet.
Rachels Ozone treatments consisted of anal and vaginal insufflations plus ozone steam baths.
Experience has shown us that a mixture of anal/vaginal ozone insufflations and ozone steam saunas work best when treating clients suffering with CFS. Within 10 days of starting therapy Rachel was able to sit down and read a book, this was something due to brain fog she had not been able to do in many years.
Use of an ozone steam sauna increases the eliminative, detoxifying and cleansing capacity of the skin by stimulation of the sweat glands and also promotes healthy skin tone and texture due to increased blood circulation. Humid heat opens the pores, which allows the ozone through the skin to the bloodstream, where it can travel to the fat and lymph tissue. Anal insufflation treats the body from the inside out and aids in fast removal of parasites and candid from the colon while oxygenating the body from within. Both treatments are completely painless.
Robert H. Sorge N.D Ph.D statement regarding ozone therapy explains very well the reason that ozone is such a successful therapy.
“The action of ozone has beneficial effects on every part of the body. Ozone therapy can do what no drug on the planet can do. It can reactivate and regenerate cells that have been previously unable to efficiently metabolize oxygen. Ozone therapy improves the flexibility and elasticity of the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood supply and life giving oxygen to the heart and tissue. Ozone also oxidizes fatty substances like plaque that adheres to arterial walls and helps normalize cholesterol and triglycerides. Ozone, when correctly administered, has no detrimental side effect”.
While I have found ozone therapy to be an excellent therapy for many conditions, it is not a cure all. Fibromyalgia which on the surface appears very similar to CFS does not respond at all well, while arthritis sufferers will usually receive quick relief.
For many conditions, including IBS, chronic reflux and eczema I have found parasite cleansing and a mainly raw diet along with periods of juice fasting not only works but also re-energises and encourages one to maintain a much healthier lifestyle.
It is due to the excellent results we have seen when placing people on a juice fast that we have recently opened a 6 day juice retreat in Cyprus. While the website for Juice Retreat Cyprus is under construction please feel free to contact us for details of the program which will include Ozone Therapy, Colonics, Yoga, Qi Gong, Massage Therapy and Live Blood Analysis Prices start from £800pp.
Accommodation and detoxification packages are available for those wishing to avail of ozone therapy.
For further information on ozone therapy, including the reason so few are aware of ozone’s healing properties please download our brochure “Ozone a New Lease on Life”
You can also watch our 2 part “ Experts and Patients on Ozone” on our youtube channel.
Caroline Carter trained and worked in several ozone clinics in India and Mexico, before opening her own Ozone and Natural Health Centre in Cyprus at the beginning of 2007. Clients now travel from as far as Israel, Germany and the UK to avail of the realistically priced ozone therapy on offer at the centre. Caroline, a fully qualified holistic nutritionists, believes in treating the whole body rather than individual symptoms.
Yes! Shame that more people don't know about this.
I grow tired of reading blogs that label Ozone as 'quackery'. Ludicrous.
Posted by: SuperfoodGuy | March 08, 2015 at 04:35 PM